Finding the Floor newsletter is making a comback!
I am trying a new thing so let's see how this goes.
Hi friends! Those of you getting this - the lovely small group of you willing to give me your email - may remember that I used to send out a little newsletter call Fridgenotes. This is me trying again but on a different platform. I am hoping to use Substack as a way to do my weekly email with you but to also grow some readers and listeners. And I need you help. Luckily Substack makes it pretty easy to share with other people and then subscribe to my newsletter. I have been hanging back a bit and feel it it time to think a bit bigger and introduce myself to more listeners. Since I am not good at taking pictures for posting on Facebook or Instagram, this is a great alternative. In Substack more people are here to read and it will come directly to your email so you don’t need to do anything at all. I am also hoping to create some content that will be for paid subscribers too but still working on what that would look like. Trying to be brave and think bigger. I appreciate all of you who have been with me for so long!
I am also working on making a Gratitude Journal. And this week have been looking up all these quotes to put at the bottom of some of the pages. It was so fun to be reminded how important gratitude is in our lives. So I have a few that I want to share that I didn’t include because the quote were too long to fit at the bottom of the page.
“We should live every day like people who have just been rescued from dying on the moon. We are on Earth now, and we need to enjoy walking on this precious, beautiful planet. Zen Master Linji said, “The miracle is not to walk on water or fire. The miracle is to walk on the earth.”
― Thich Nhat Hanh, Fear: A Powerful Guide to Overcoming Uncertainties and Personal Terrors, and Finding Peace and Freedom from Anxiety, by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
“In any situation in Life, even if it is a grave one, you always have the opportunity to be grateful. There will be someone or something out there that you will always feel grateful for. Go ahead and feel grateful. Gratitude can’t quite solve your problems. But it can make you feel a lot better in a lousy, dark and painful situation. When you feel better about yourself, your ability to face a tough situation improves dramatically.”
― AVIS Viswanathan
“While we often recognize the need to learn how to face hunger and need, we aren't always aware that we need similar help to face wealth and abundance. It's not easy to face affluence every day without committing idolatry or succumbing to ingratitude. In fact, church history is filled with stories of sincere believers facing lowness, hunger, need, suffering, persecution, hardship, and death with Christ-honoring joy and faithfulness. But the stories of Christian fidelity in the midst of overwhelming abundance, provision, plenty, and wealth are fewer and farther between. This is why Jesus says that it is hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 19:23). One of the chief challenges for Christians in the West is to learn to face our unprecedented abundance with the strength supplied by Christ and not by the wealth.”
― Joe Rigney, The Things of Earth: Treasuring God by Enjoying His Gifts
There are so many more but I just love this. Grateful to walk on the earth, finding gratitude when you are in a dark place and also facing joy and abundance supplied by Christ!
Love it!
Have a great day!